Whew……what a winter! But things are looking up and spring has sprung. I often wish that there were only 3 seasons…spring, summer, fall……then back to spring!
On top of it all, I’ve been on call for Federal jury duty for the last 6 months and so haven’t traveled at all to see my Florida birdies.
Not knowing what to get in to around here, I discovered the storm water retention pond in my neighborhood. Sounds gross, I know…but it’s a protected area for birds to nest. So I approached the board members of my homeowner’s association and was granted access…..and a key!
I’ve only been in there a couple of times so far…worried about snakes… and poison oak after that outbreak I had last fall.
While I’ve not been able to get close enough to photograph them, I’ve found a pair of Savannah Sparrows making runs back and forth to feed their young’uns. I can’t see the nest as it is in a culvert….but I can sure hear them when dinner arrives.
I’ve also found a pair of Carolina Chickadees that are nurturing 2 eggs…they look like tiny jelly beans.
The Northern Cardinal kids are out of the nest and learning to fly…with parents close by.
And finally, I’ve got a pair of Red Shouldered Hawks that circle the wetlands from time to time......hereafter known as Lorac Wetlands!
Take care!!
Carol Huffman